Day 2: A to Z Challenge

***I know what you’re thinking: I’ve lost before the race has even started!  Only day 2 and no post.  But unfortunately, the place where I was staying at the beach lost its internet connection!  So I was disconnected for about 3 days. I know that some bloggers are super savvy with their phones, but I have not yet reached that level of tech-ability.

Though I respect the parameters of this challenge, including a post every day, for me, the daily writing practice is the goal, and to that, I have been faithful. So (and I apologize to everyone’s Twitter feed, Facebook walls and e-mail inboxes), I am going to be posting these in quick succession and playing a little catch up.***


B is for Beauty

When I was younger, a psychic told me that I was destined to create beauty in this world.

Well, now I have made Maya.  Am I done fulfilling my destiny? 🙂

I’m not sure how to feel about that.

But she does make this world a more beautiful place. I am so grateful for her every day.



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